Almighty God- Part 3

Almighty God- Part 3

So, if God is not part of the creation, then where is God?

Almighty says in the Quran, (The meaning of which is)

“The Most Gracious Allah rose over the Mighty Throne [in a manner that suits His Majesty]. (Quran 20:5)

Allah is above His entire creation, above the entire universe, above the seven heavens. But with His infinite Knowledge and Power He is fully aware of everything in the entire universe, even the most minute of things. Nothing is hidden from him.


“God knows the secrets of the heavens and earth: He sees everything you do”. Quran (49:18)

“God knows all that is hidden in the heavens and earth; He knows the thoughts contained in the heart (Quran 35:38)

Almighty God does not become man or part of His creation to understand His own creation. He created everything that exists. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

The idea that God becomes man, comes onto earth to deal with his creation constructs an image of God that is not only limited in ability but also to some extent is wary of his creation. This certainly does not befit the true nature of Almighty God and in Islam this is seriously classed blasphemy.

How can The Almighty God be anything less than the All Powerful, the All-Able, the Self-Sufficient when everything comes about with ease by just His mere command?


“When We will something to happen, all that We say is, ‘Be,’ and It Is” (Quran 16:40)

Nothing can ever take place without the will of Almighty God.


“And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darkness’s of the earth and no moist or dry thing but that it is written in a clear record”. (Quran 6:59)

Only if the world knew God how He is to be known, then only, perhaps then only mankind can free itself from false worship.

Submit to Allah.

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