Recent activities

Fiji international retreat -The Call
Alhumdulillah… by the mercy of Allah, we concluded our 2nd iERA Fiji international retreat “The Call”. 79 more duaat around Oceania region have been trained

Global Dawah Day
To Register Contact: 0210456457 Join us on Global Dawah Day Saturday 10th August 2024 To coincide with the Summer Olympics, iERA is kicking off its

Mana Islam with Ustadh Abdullah Al-Andalusi
Kia ora e te whānau! Alhamdulillah, we had another incredible turnout at the Mana Islam event last night. Hosted monthly by iERA NZ, Mana Islam

IERANZ and IERA QLD Tour of Melbourne
Alhamdulillah a successful dawah tour of Melbourne by IERANZ and IERA QLD

The Call-International Dawah Retreat
Alhamdulilah! by the Mercy of Allah the IERA South Island Retreat ended on a very high note. With over 40 new Daees graduating in GORAP

Vanuatu Tour May 2024
As the IERA NZ /Masjid As Salaam team makes our way back home today, here’s the recap of our prophetic mission.*143* *Shahadas* over a 10