
Signs of Allah: Beginnings

Have you ever pondered on the existence of the universe and everything it contains? Common sense tells us that everything in the universe that has a…


How Should I Believe in God?

When one follows one’s inherited faith blindly, they may never stop to ask, “How should I believe in God?”


Signs of Allah: Why Signs?

Deep within you lies a soul yearning to connect with its Creator, irrespective of whether you choose to nurture it or not. Faith is not merely a societal construct; rather, it is an inherent aspect of being human. It is a divine gift bestowed upon every individual by a Perfect Creator who constantly loves, cares for, and provides for you. Declaring faith marks the beginning of our journey to fulfil our purpose on Earth. When we embrace the natural inclination to believe in and worship the Creator, we align ourselves with the inherent orientation towards the Divine that resides at the core of our humanity. This orientation is often referred to as the “primordial essence” or, in Arabic, the ‘fitra’ .

If God is All Loving, Why Does He Allow Evil and Suffering?

One of the most common questions raised by those who are yet to be guided is this: If there is a God, why is there so much suffering and evil on this earth? They listen to us talk about how God is Al-Wadood – The Most Loving and raise the same issue: If He is […]

What does Islam say about Jesus?

What does Islam say about Jesus? Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, is a beloved and honoured prophet in Islam. In fact, he is one of the five greatest prophets sent by God: Muhammad, Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Jesus, peace and blessings be upon them all. Allah makes mention of them in the Quran: […]

The Unforgivable Sin

Because if false worship and false gods do exist, then how severe is it as a sin, if it is a sin at all?

Who is God? He is the Source of Peace

Who is God? He is the Source of Peace This series explores the descriptions and attributes of Allah, the Almighty God, in an effort to better understand who He is so that we can connect more meaningfully to Him. This post focuses on the name As-Salaam, meaning the source of all peace and perfection. [Go […]

Who is God? He is The Most Loving

Who is God? He is The Most Loving The word Islam means submission.  A Muslim is one who submits to God fully and completely by obeying the commandments set out by God and sincerely worshiping Allah – the one true God.  Being a Muslim begins with having firm conviction in the oneness of Allah and […]

Discovering You (Part 2)

Discovering You (Part 2) Throughout history, God has sent numerous prophets, each to a particular nation to call people to the worship of no one – except God alone (pure monotheism). Not only did prophets receive guiding instruction from God in the form of revelation, but prophets themselves exemplified true submission to the Rabb. Prophets […]

Discovering You (Part 1)

Discovering You (Part 1) “We have indeed created man in the best of molds” – (Qur’an 95:04) We all hold within us the thirst for answers. Most of us at some point in life will come face to face with the fundamental questions which lie within us, yearning to be quenched like a dormant seed […]