Who is God? He is the Source of Peace
This series explores the descriptions and attributes of Allah, the Almighty God, in an effort to better understand who He is so that we can connect more meaningfully to Him. This post focuses on the name As-Salaam, meaning the source of all peace and perfection. [Go here to see other posts on this series.]
The search for peace
Many people, regardless of geographical, cultural, or ethnic background, are on a constant quest for peace. This is not a desire that we seek only in contemporary times, but a common pursuit shared by humanity across time and space. We all seek to be free from anxiety and be immersed in peace and tranquility. This longing for serenity is a natural disposition. It is the result of our souls craving the divine, because only God can truly bestow peace[1].
In the Quran, we are told about how we will find peace if we follow the path to God. We learn this in Surah Ta-ha, the translation of which reads:
“Peace will be upon he who follows the guidance.” (Quran, 20:47)
But human beings are fickle, and we often seek peace in other sources: in people, in wealth and other material acquisitions, in places, or in following a certain way of life. While we may find varying degrees of satisfaction from these sources, this feeling of happiness we gain may be short-lived or fraught with challenges. For example, we may find contentment in a spouse or through having the stability of a well-paid job, or by being in a beautiful natural environment, or even through good food. But each of these examples can also create further tensions in our lives. They are, therefore, not sources of ultimate peace.
Many people argue that wealth brings happiness. But this is clearly not true. Think about the level of contentment in people that you know. In most cases, there does not seem to be a correlation between a person’s peace of mind and their bank balance. We often see people who do not seem to have very much in terms of material wealth but are fully content in their hearts. Conversely, it is common to see people who are very wealthy but are never satisfied.
True peace can only come from its source. The name As-Salaam is mentioned as an attribute of Allah in Surah Al-Hashr, the translation of which is as follows:
“He is Allah, besides Whom there is no god; the King, the Holy, the Giver of peace, the Granter of security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of every greatness. Glory be to Allah from what they set up (with Him).” (Quran, 59:23)
What does the name As-Salaam mean?
The meaning of As-Salaam
The attribute of As-Salaam is often understood to be peace, but the meaning is much deeper than that. Linguistically, the root letters (seen-laam-meem) of the name imply that there is no defect or flaw[2]. In the form of salaamah, the name can also have the dimension of safety[3]. Allah, as the Almighty God, is flawless and free from any imperfection. This absence of fault creates peace. Because He is free from any shortcomings, He is the source of peace and the bestower of peace. To seek real and eternal peace, we need to follow Allah’s guidance and ask for His help. When we remember As-Salaam and live according to His guidance, He provides safety and reassurance from worry and anxiety. He tells us in the Quran that our hearts are assured through our faith and remembrance of Him:
“Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” (Quran, 13:28)
Applying As-Salaam
One of the reasons why we may feel overcome by anxiety is because we sense a lack of control. When calamities happen, or when things go wrong because of our own actions, we sometimes struggle to understand the purpose or see reason why something occurred. When we face difficulties, we must remember that everything is purposeful because it comes from a source free from defect. Because we are not all-knowing, we may not understand the true purpose. We need to trust that there is wisdom and benefit to be derived from every situation, even if it is not apparent to us. By searching for benefits, practising gratitude, and asking for Allah’s help, we will be granted peace.
A way to remind ourselves of As-Salaam daily is by understanding and using the supplication that the Prophet (peace be upon him) would make after his prayer:
“O Allah, You are Peace and from You is peace. Blessed are you, the Majestic and the Noble.”[4]
We should also seek forgiveness from God, and from others whom we have wronged. This will help us to cleanse our hearts and purify our souls. As the Prophet is narrated to have said:
“Whoever increases his prayers for forgiveness, Allah will grant him relief from every worry, a way out from every hardship, and provide for him in ways he does not expect.”[5]
Concluding remarks
Allah has commanded us to perform certain acts of worship, to live a healthy life, to maintain good relationships, and to cleanse our hearts. These may not be easy tasks in themselves, but in following these commandments, we find a level of contentment that cannot be achieved through other means. Ultimate peace awaits the true believer in the form of Paradise[6].
Does this mean that we should be in a constant state of remembrance and worship? Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is narrated[7] to have told two of his companions that it is not humanly possible to be continuously devoted to worshipping God, as angels do. Instead, he advised us that we should allocate time for spiritual activities as well as worldly actions. A balance between the two should be our goal.
Human beings’ natural pursuit of peace and contentment will not cease until we turn to the source of all peace, follow the true path to God, the One who is Flawless. Through the guidance of Islam, our hearts find ease as the void within us is filled with His love.
Hadith 10, Book 8, Sunan Abū Dāwūd, no. 1518 https://sunnah.com/abudawud:1518
Hadith 14, Book 50, Sahih Muslim 2750a https://sunnah.com/muslim:2750a
Hadith 172, Book 5, Sahih Muslim 592a https://sunnah.com/muslim:592a
Hirschfelder, U.A.S. (2010). Who is Allah? His names and attributes and their significance to the individual. International Islamic Publishing House.
Yousef, J. (2020a). Reflections on the names of Allah. Al-Buruj Press.
Yousef, J. (2020b). Seeking the Source of Peace: Allah’s Name as-Salām, www.yageeninstitute.org
[1] Yousef, 2020a, p.88.
[2] Hirschfelder, 2010, 213
[3] Yousef, 2020a, 90
[4] Ṣaḥiḥ Muslim, 592.
[5] Sunan Abū Dāwūd, no. 1518
[6] Yousef, 2020b.
[7] Sahih Muslim 2750a