It is believed that there are over 4000 religions on earth. Each of these has its own rituals and teachings, based upon its beliefs of who our Creator is, and how we can connect with Him. The beliefs of many of these religions are in harmony with each other, but others stand in direct contradiction, and yet, each ardently claims that they are the only ones upon the truth. The biggest difference often revolves around who God is.
For any seeker of truth, this is a matter of great dilemma. Does God become an object that we create with our hands? Is He born from the very woman that He created who then becomes the mother of God? To invoke or supplicate to God do we have to re-create Him with our limited imagination and give Him a figure or form?
For many people, God is a created being. That is to say that they worship something or someone that is somehow created. Such beliefs are often inherited from forefathers and unquestionably accepted. When one follows blindly, they may never stop to ask themselves, “How should I believe in God?”
Ask yourself this: Would God The Almighty create mankind and leave us in a state of confusion to figure out who the Creator is? Or is it more likely that God would have made this clearer in a different way? A Godly way. Yes, indeed, God did make this clear.
From the time man first set foot on earth, God has sent prophets upon prophets to convey messages to mankind: messages about who He is, and how He wants us to live our lives. Most importantly, the prophets warned us about worshipping false gods.
“We surely sent a messenger to every nation, saying, “Worship Allah and shun false gods.”
(Al-Qur’an 16:36)
Ancient kings, righteous people who may have performed some sort of miracles, spiritual leaders, or the prophets of God themselves are all created beings. Can they ever be taken as God to be worshipped? It only makes sense to know that the very understanding of God is that He is the ONLY UNCREATED ONE.
God does not depend on His own creation to assist Him in anyway. God does not need a family or a son. God is self sufficient and not in need of anything or anyone.
“Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.
(Al-Qur’an 4 : 171).
If a being is created, born, or brought into existence, then it can never be God. What is created by Man or The Almighty God Himself can never become God. There can only be one truly uncreated One, and that is Almighty God.
For the seeker of truth, this is an undeniable fact.
The only way to reach God is follow the chosen men sent by God to guide humanity. There is no other but the divine way.
‘”Say, “Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the only guidance; and we have been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds.
(Al-Qur’an 6 : 71).
Many of us are sensible enough to understand that instead of inheriting false beliefs we must be sincere to embrace the truth. Many are rising to an awakening and shunning falsehood.
The prophetic way is the only divine way to reach God, the only way to believe in and worship God.