The Unforgivable Sin
Can Man really defy the whole purpose of his creation?
The very purpose behind our creation is to know our Creator and worship Him alone.
Making an object merely out of your hands and calling it God. Giving the divine attribute of God to nature, like the sun, moon, stars or animals. Basing your salvation on humans or other created beings. Does it really make them God?
Does the concept of false worship or false god ever cross a devotees mind?
Because if false worship and false gods do exist, then how severe is it as a sin if it is a sin at all?
These are some of the major questions in the life of a true believer seeking the truth until they reach a point to find a belief so profound and undisputable, making complete sense and beyond rejection.
Islam, the only faith that teaches the worship of the “Uncreated Being” and accepting all the prophets of God mentioned in the Quran. The concept of worshiping The Only Uncreated Being who created everything that exists. How pure and profound is that form of worship. Worship of the One true God.
Back to the concept of false worship and false god. There are many dreadful sins mankind commit everyday. Murder, war, rape and violence, some in ways that human mind can not even fathom sometimes. Also sins that man thinks trivial given the low moral standards of our society such as adultery, fraud, gambling, drugs and alcohol. How severe a sin may be, or one sin maybe greater than the other, does it ever occur to mankind that there can ever be a sin so severe than if one dies without sincere repentance than the result of it is nothing but eternal hell fire. The ultimate goal where the enemy of mankind “Satan” would want every human being to be.
Imagine the Lord that created us, provides for us in such an incredible way, sent prophets upon prophets to guide mankind, loves mankind like no other, yet man has the audacity to make gods out of his own imagination and desire. To put God’s creation as equal to God. To associate partners with God, with an uncaring nerve to even think of the consequences.
Such is the sin, if met with no sincere repentance before death would be an “Unforgivable Sin” before the Creator.
Allah says in the Qur’an (The meaning of which is)
“Surely, Allah does not forgive that a partner is ascribed to Him, and He forgives anything short of that for whomsoever He wills. Whoever ascribes a partner to Allah commits a terrible sin” (4:48)
I was hoping this blog to be a nice one with very nice words. But then is there any better way to warn mankind than just simply presenting the truth? If only man knew what’s waiting for them.
Worship the Creator, not the creation.