Do Muslims Want To Convert Everyone?

Do Muslims Want To Convert Everyone?


 It is only Almighty God who can change a person’s state of heart and if one is sincere in seeking God, he will be guided. Almighty God states in the Glorious Quran (the meaning of which is):

“He guides to Himself those who turn to Him” (Quran 42:13)


What is often seen as an effort to convert is really an effort to convey. 

Almighty God has sent long series of Prophets to guide mankind, right from the time man first set foot on this earth. The key message of guidance is that we must only worship God alone and not fall into traps of worshiping any false gods.

All of God’s messengers had the same responsibility: to convey this message to mankind.

This message from Almighty God has never changed with time and place. Almighty God says He has sent a messenger to every nation with the same message. He conveys to us through the Quran (the meaning of which is):

“And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger saying Worship Allah and avoid false gods”. (Quran 16:36)


Worshiping Almighty God is not just performing prayers, supplications or rituals, but following a complete way of life by living in obedience to His commandments and totally submitting to His Will. 

Allah says in the Quran (the meaning of which is):

“We did not send any messenger before you except with the inspiration: “There is no god except Me; you shall worship Me alone.” (Quran 21:25)

Most people who do not take heed of this message, only follow their own whims and desires.
As for those who accept the message and submit to their Creator they will be rewarded with eternal life in paradise.

Allah says in the Quran (the meaning of which is):

“Anyone who believes in God and leads a righteous life, He will admit him into
gardens with flowing streams; they abide therein forever. God will generously reward him.” (Quran 65:11)


All the Prophets of Almighty God including Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them), conveyed the same message. That is to submit to Allah alone.
The series of Prophets ended with Muhammad (peace be upon him), meaning that there will be no more Prophets sent after him. Thus, the task of conveying this message to mankind has now befallen on the ones who have believed in and submitted to Almighty God.

The effort to convey is an effort to make you know your Creator, submit to Him and choose Paradise for yourself.

The effort to convey the message of Islam (Oneness of God) to humanity is described by Almighty God himself as one of the most beautiful and honorable tasks taken on by mankind.

He says in the Quran (the meaning of which is):

“And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness
and says, ‘Indeed, I am of the Muslims’.”(Quran 41:33)

So in short, Muslims carry on the Prophetic task of conveying the message of Islam to humanity leaving the guidance through the change of heart, to Almighty God.

We convey. Allah guides.

“He guides to Himself those who turn to Him” (Quran 42:13).




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