International Dawah Retreat
Alhamdulillah, We made history!
After months of preparation iERA FIJI in collaboration with iERA NEW ZEALAND successfully hosted the first International Dawah Retreat in the Fiji Islands with Daees participating from Fiji, Australia, New Zealand , PNG and Vanuatu.
The Retreat was for 3 days starting from the 21st of July till the 23rd of July. We started with the opening ceremony where the participating countries gave Dawah updates from each country. Masha Allah so much is getting done yet so much more needs to be done in each country.

The team went through the effective iERA Dawah training conducted by Brother Feroz Khan (Outreach Specialist NZ) and inspiring lectures by Sheikh Dr. Anwar Sahib from NZ and Sheikh Bilal Ismail from South Africa. We had over 100 participants attending with over 70 trained in basic GORAP. The New Muslim Support Session definitely brought tears to many eyes with the “Solace” video.
Along with the team building exercises, futsal competition kicked in on the second day followed by the BBQ treat by the community. Did we mix Education with Fun? We certainly did!
The event was concluded by the closing ceremony with the presentation of certificates and awards by the community leaders. While every participant received the iERA certificate the best teams were awarded with Gold Medals and other deserving prizes.
The Camper of the Year award went to Brother Hussein from Vanuatu who won the Free Trip to New Zealand International Dawah Retreat coming up in October. Did Hussein put up a tough competition? you may ask the judges who were completely bewildered.
We thank Allah Subhan wa Ta’ala for his infinite love, care and support.
Special dua and thanks to all those who supported this historical event. Our donors, our volunteers and all the participants. Masjid Mohammadi for providing the venue. May Allah accept from all.
Watch the space, iERA International Dawah Retreat-Fiji 2024 in sha Allah!