Islam A Prophetic Faith

Islam A Prophetic Faith

Almighty God has sent long series of Prophets to guide mankind right from the beginning since man first set foot on this earth.

The key guidance is that we must only worship God alone and not worship any false gods.

All the Prophets and to name a few such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad as the final messenger (may peace be upon them) came with the same message, to worship the One true God only and not to worship false gods.

Almighty God says in the Quran, (The meaning of which is)

“And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, saying, “Worship Allah and do not worship false gods.” (Quran 16:36)

God sent revelations to these Prophets. Like The Torah to Moses, The  Psalms to David, The Gospel to Jesus and The Quran as the last and final revelation to the last and final Prophet, Muhammad- Peace be Upon them.

The most heinous sin in the sight of Almighty God is to worship false gods or to associate partners with Him.

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