Purpose of Life

Purpose of Life

Why did God create us?

Those who believe in God and perhaps sometimes also those who don’t, seem to be often puzzled with the question, “why are we here?”

Unlike many other faiths where the purpose of our creation is not explained or is
vague, Islam gives a very clear explanation as to why the Almighty God created us.

Almighty God says in the Qur’aan (the meaning of which is),

“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.”
(Qur’an 51:56

The purpose of our creation is to worship the Creator. Worship that forms a pure and submissive relationship with Him which is ultimately rewarded with Paradise, a life of eternal bliss, for those who fulfils this.

Worshipping Almighty God is not just prayer and supplication but a complete way of life, living in obedience to his commandments.

For instance: Helping others is a form of worship.  Being just is a form of worship. Any righteous act done to please the Lord Almighty is a form of worship.

Way of life chosen by Almighty God

The name Islam is not from a person, location, or any event, which may be the case
in other faiths. Islam existed the day Almighty God created the first human being and even prior to that. Islam is a complete way of life and a guide to mankind. In
fact, the name Islam is chosen by God Almighty Himself as the way of life for His creation.

Almighty God says in the Qur’aan (the meaning of which is),

“The only way of life acceptable by Almighty God is Islam”. (Qur’an

Submit to Allah.

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