The Quran
Almighty God sent revelations to His prophets like The Torah to Moses, The Psalms to David, The Gospel to Jesus and The Quran as the last and final revelation to the last and final prophet, Muhammad- (Peace be upon them)
How do we know if the Quran is True?
The Quran challenges us in many ways to reflect and ponder on it. It gives us so many different ways to check if it is truly from The Almighty God or not. For example:
1. It challenges us to find mistakes and contradictions in it.
Allah sys in the Quran, (The meaning of which is)
“Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from any other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction”. (Quran 4:82)
2. It says, that if we are in doubt about this book then produce a chapter similar to it in the book. The smallest chapter in the Quran is about 3 lines. No one so far has been able to overcome this challenge and Almighty God assures us that no one will ever be able to do so.
Translated as,
“And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a chapter like it and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful. If you cannot do this- and you never will– then beware of the Fire prepared for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones” (Quran 2:23-24)
3. It gives us so many Historical and Scientific facts. Refer to:
4. Its language is unique.
5. Above all, Almighty God Himself has promised to protect this book from any sort of corruption at all. Millions and millions of Muslims have fully memorized the book from cover to cover.
No one has been able change it.
Any book that claims to be from Almighty God has to be put to test. And Quran has overcome all the test.
Let me just share one aspect of it for now.
God Almighty says in the Quran- (The meaning of which is)
“Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran and indeed, We will protect it from any corruption”. (Quran 15:9)
God Almighty has taken the responsibility upon Himself to protect the Quran from any sort of corruption.
The Quran was revealed in verbal form directly from Almighty God to angel Gabriel who brought it down to Muhammad (Peace be upon him), who then memorized it and taught his companions to do likewise and then write it down. Word by word. This continued for a period of 23 years. This oral and written method of preservation has been passed down for more than 1400 years and not even a word has been changed in the Quran.
Today we have millions and millions of Muslims who have memorized this book cover to cover.
Now that is not the complete miracle. The amazing part is that out of 1.8 billion Muslims today only 16% are Arabs. 84% are non- Arabs.
So, the actual miracle is that the vast majority of the Muslims who have memorized the Quran today, do not even have Arabic as their mother tongue. These are Whites, Africans, Asians, Indians, Polynesians etc.
Imagine if I give you a thick book in Chinese (and presuming you do not speak Chinese) and say “here memorize this book completely”.
So how has Almighty God protected the Quran?
He has protected it into the hearts of the believers. If we take all the religious books in the world and throw it in the Ocean. It will only be the Quran that could be written back exactly the same way as before. Like I said it is preserved into the hearts of the believers.
So yes, The Quran has passed all the tests as proof that it is truly from The Almighty God.