Why do Muslim women have to cover themselves?
Islam is a complete way of life which covers every aspect on divine standards, even the dress code for men and women.
Women cover themselves to preserve their modesty. Modesty is the quality or state of being proper or suitable in dress, speech or conduct. Today modesty is very subjective between different societies. For example, in some societies it is perfectly normal for women to wear very high cut dresses or be almost bare-chested whereas in other societies this would not be acceptable. In these same societies where is seems perfectly ordinary for women to wear revealing attire, this may not have been the case even just two generations ago. What is acceptable in society changes over time and is dependent on context. We can even say that different people have different levels of modesty.
In Islam, however, the standard of modesty is set by Almighty God Himself.
Allah says, (the meaning of which is):
“Say to the believing man, that he should lower his gaze and guard his modesty”. (Quran 24:30)
The standard code of dressing for men is also very well outlined by the divine principles. A man is also required to cover himself modestly. However, the required standard of dressing differs between men and women.
In chapter 24 of the Quran, Allah first speaks about the modesty for men and then for the women. Whenever a man looks at a woman, before any inappropriate thoughts come to his mind, he should lower his gaze.
The next verse speaks about the women. Chapter 24 verse 31 (the meaning is):
“Say to the believing woman that she should lower her gaze and guard her modesty
and display not her beauty except what is apparent of it and draw her head covering
over their chests.”
Furthermore, The Almighty God says in chapter 33 verse 59 (the meaning is):
“O Prophet tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons when abroad. That is most
convenient that they should be known and not be molested.”
Hijab (covering) has been prescribed to prevent women from being molested. Islam ensures liberation for women in her freedom to practise the divine religion of Almighty God and not be exploited for sexual benefits or put on billboards barely clothed so one can sell chocolates. By covering herself, a woman achieves the level of modesty set by the Creator.
In total submission and obedience to the Creator, both men and women actualize their faith.
Islam gives honour to women through her submission to the Creator, her chastity and her purity not through her nudity.